
Welcome ! Bienvenue! benvenut@ !

Quarantine Notebooks is a small project, born with the desire to share analysis articles about the Covid-19 between friends and similarly minded people ( aka الرفيق/comrades/compagn@s/camarada.)

We will publish here all the resources that we’ve found pertinent about the actual situation, aiming to share tools for analysis. We will try to  publish  in 3 different languages English , French , and Italian.

One of the main part will be a Public Zotero’s Group with a bibliography of all those resources that we can share with anyone likely to use it, documenting the covid-19 pandemic, quarantine, emergency measures, etc….

We want to share to share quality information and  analysis, not news feeds, and keep in touch with other people in the same need.

It will not be a daily count of our dead….

 We will share articles, reflections, essays, opinions as well as blogs, links, maps, graphics, but also  pictures, photos, podcasts, sounds, movies, videos,  media, art…. or any virtual culture content that we liked and that we found to be pertinent here.

After a short period of time that we need to start the project, we also want to open it to others, and it will be possible to propose contents that you would like  to see here.

You can contact us via :

  • Mail : quarantine-notebook(at)riseup.net
  • Riot : Follow this room

  • Independent Bookshops
  • Academic Publishers 
  • Archives and Centers for Radical Studies